The CTLA unifies defence counsel from across Alberta. Together, we affect change in our judicial system and develop new ways of advocating on behalf of our clients.
The CTLA welcomes defence counsel and general members of the public to our website. This website also provides valuable information about upcoming events, membership and much more.
We welcome all potential new members, particularly those outside the Greater Edmonton area who cannot always attend in person our regular general meetings but wish to stay abreast of the latest developments in criminal law and our justice system (at a discounted rate). You will find a membership form and information on how to become a member here. The Membership section of this website also outlines some of the advantages which accrue to members.
For over forty years, the Criminal Trial Lawyers’ Association has provided a strong voice for all Albertan defence counsel. This website provides one further means of uniting defence counsel to ensure that our concerns are heard and our clients’ rights protected.